Right Way to Use Your Clear Aligners in 2020
April 2020

Right Way to Use Your Clear Aligners in 2020

Due to their invisibility and convenient use, clear aligners are the most sought after treatment to straighten teeth. It is an ideal solution for minor spacing and crowded teeth. Though they are user-friendly, its use requires a certain level of discipline to get results in time. So here is how to use your clear aligners in 2020 to transform your smile.


1. Clean Your Teeth

Brush your teeth before inserting clear aligners as food may get trapped between your teeth and aligners, resulting in cavities and plaque. Rinse your mouth with water after drinking anything except water and then only insert aligners. This will prevent it from staining.

2. Use Them More

To get assured results, make sure to use them at least 20 to 22 hours daily. Wearing it for the prescribed time will facilitate its working. You need to wear them while sleeping also. Removing them frequently may prolong the treatment.

3. Store Carefully

Always store your aligner in its case when not in use. You must avoid keeping it in a towel or napkin as it can damage them.


1. No Soap and Toothpaste for Cleaning

Don’t use any soap or detergent to clean aligners. Using this would not only stain them but also leave an unpleasant taste in them, ruining your appetite when you put them again. Also, avoid toothpaste to clean your aligners as it contains abrasives that will negatively affect the plastic and decrease aligner’s invisibility, making them noticeable.

2. Avoid Eating and Drinking with Aligners

You must avoid drinking anything except for water while wearing aligners. Besides, the hot temperature can damage your aligners, forcing you to replace it with a new pair. Though made of durable thermoplastic, clear aligners cannot withstand constant chewing and biting. So avoid eating chunky and chewy food products as it may damage its shape.

3. No Exposure to Air

Avoid letting clear aligners dry in the air as it may cause bacteria to build-up and damage your teeth while using them.

How to Clean?

Clean your aligners regularly by soaking them in denture cleaner or water. You can also use a separate brush, other than to brush teeth, to remove any food particles from them.

Smile Select Dental has made straightening teeth easy. We provide effective yet affordable clear aligners that help bring back that confident smile.

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